Monday, December 2, 2019

December 6, 2019 Romero Pools - Catalina State Park - Romero Canyon Trailhead

Long Hike was beyond Romero pools for another 2 miles. This hike was lead by David up to the Pools then others went beyond. 10 miles
The Medium Hike was to the Pools lead by Jerry.  6 miles. 

This hike started with slight elevation gain along a sandy trail leading to a stream which we chose to cross by various means. Some hikers used poles to cross the rocks, others used plastic bags over their shoes and others found a part of the stream where there was less water. 

Sutherland Wash

Romero Canyon Trail 


After walking for about 1/2 hour we started and upward climb up the mountain. 
We could see evidence of the construction and replacement of large wooden rails used for water damage control. 

The trail was wet in places from the rainfall 
from the last two weeks but did not hamper our hike. 

This was a view from a little off the trail about 1/2 hour from the pools

The trail descends into the canyon and then starts to climb again before another descent to the pools. See the graph at the end of the blog for the elevation gains and losses. 

A look back at the Pools 

Beyond the Pools - Long Hike Pictures 

Data From Medium Hike

Hike Description: This hike is an out and back up Romero Canyon Trail to some picturesque pools in the Catalina Mountains. The difficulty increase with the length of the hike. 

Long Hike: To Romero Spring - 10 miles - B+
Short Hike: To Romero Pools - 6 miles - B

Alltrails description and map of the hike

Directions: Take 1-10 south and take Exit 240. Turn left (east) onto Tangerine Road. In 13.5 miles turn right onto Oracle Road (#77), then in 0.2 miles turn left into Catalina State Park. At the Guard House Purchase a car pass ($7.00). Proceed to the parking lot on the left. 61 miles.

We need drivers   Carpools and driving to the trailhead

Google Maps to Romero Canyon Trailhead

Casa Grande Mountain Hike
Hikers for the Casa Grande Mountain leave the parking lot at 8:00 and will be back before lunch. 

Google Maps to Arica Trailhead - Casa Grande Mountain

Google Maps to Peart Road Trailhead to Casa Grande Mountain