Sunday, March 15, 2020

Year End Meeting

Covid 19 restrictions put a damper on the annual year-end party at Palm Creek. The leaders
had a spur of the moment, small meeting outside Skip and Connie's to present them with
a plaque for their long service to the hiking club. As luck would have it, it poured rain just as
we got there.
Connie invited us in and we sat on chairs spaced far apart. Our first experience with social
When we posed for the pictures with our certificates for milage I am afraid we got a little too
close. It was lucky that there was no Covid in the Park at that time.
It was a special time for the leaders, but we were sad that the whole club membership
could not be there.

In Appreciation to
Skip and Connie Emerson 
for 18 years of service as Hiking Club Coordinators
- Leading and Scouting Hikes
- Promoting the Hiking Club
- Memberships, emails and milage
- Organization of: Grande Canyon Hikes,
Weekend hikes in Sedona and Chiricahua's and 
 Year-End Parties 
-Initiating Assessment hikes and safety measures
-Casa Grande Friday Hikes
Hi De Ho - We are off to hike!

March 20, 2020 Pichacho Peak - Changes

The Sunset Vista Trail at Picacho Peak is spectacular with spring flowers and views of surrounding mountains.   
All three groups will be hiking there this week. 
There is a fee of $7.00/car up to four people. If there are more than four, they charge an extra $3.00.
We will all meet as usual at the parking lot and leave by 8:00, but we will not be organizing carpools. Please organize your own ride.