Pathfinders Blog - Scouting Hikes

Palm Creek Hikers Pathfinders

This website has Information from the hikes scouted. That way we are not confusing the regular weekly hikes the scouting hikes. This will eventually create a resource for hiking leaders that we can use on a yearly bases.  Hiking Elevation, Rating and Pace measurements can be found on this website. There are also write-up guidelines. 

If you have pre-hiked and taken pictures and/or written up a description, you can send them to me (Nancy) and I will add them to the Pathfinders' site. If you want to add your own site, you can give me the link and I will add it. 

Other Journal entries.
Picketpost Mountain Loop - April 5, 2019 John and Nancy
Trail Journal Entries
Trail Journal Photos

See Coffee Flats, Upper Javelina-Wild Mustang-Wild Borro, and more on Picketpost on the Blog.

Leaders and Pathfinders can email me to let me know any links or information I can post on the Blog.

Please feel free to comment.

1 comment:

  1. I went over this website and I believe you have a lot of wonderful information, saved to my bookmarks hiking trails near me
